
Thursday 23 June 2011

Take Cover Skin System For A Tummy Tuck Scar

The Tale Of A Tummy Tuck Scar

Watch this video to see how the coverage works for a tummy tuck scar.  

Thirty eight year old Abigail, mother of two, was left with having to face a lifetime of stretch marks and excess skin  around her abdomen due to weight gained during her pregnancies. The thought of not being able to show her stomach in a bikini severely affected her self esteem and confidence.   In an attempt to overcome her lack of self esteem, Abigail decided to book an appointment with a top plastic surgeon, David R Gately for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery). The operation was successful and achieved a toned flat stomach again, but inevitably , left a scar of 17 inches long to the abdomen. 

Abigail had initially sort Take Cover Skin System with a concern for blemishes on her back. When Abigail came for the consultation we talked about how she felt regarding her stomach and decided that we would also see if we could work on making a difference to it’s appearance.  A  colour match was formulated for her stomach and coincidentally, her stomach matched the skin tone on her back.   The blemishes due to acne scarring on her back were not excessive or severe, so offered a fairly light finish to obtain a perfect result.

Watch this video to see how the coverage works for Blemishes on the back
Here is Abigail’s story of how she personally felt before and after meeting with Take Cover Skin System.

“I have scars on my abdomen and back which have been affecting my self-esteem for years. I used to hate summer time as I was always envious of other people showing their beautiful skin. I had also given up the idea of ever wearing a bikini again. When I found out about Gerri’s amazing system, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Take Cover Skin System wonderfully erased my darkened scars.  It was a simple procedure, quick drying, and my skin looked and felt flawless. The results for me were just astonishing, and I couldn’t stop looking at myself in the mirror.  I was in tears! The application  didn’t come off even after showering".
"Gerri,  I can’t thank you enough, as you absolutely boosted my self-esteem and now I feel fantastic. Your system is just amazing and I would like to recommend it highly to everyone. I can’t wait for my summer vacation as  I will try wearing a  bikini for the first time in 15 years!!”


  1. The length of the scar geerally depends on the amount of loose skin. The really large cases are best served with an overnight stay in the hospital for better pain control. Thank you for your thoughts and the ability to explain.

    Tummy Tuck

  2. You can know all about taking over skin system for tummy tuck. Useful post
    Tummy Tuck

  3. Very nice post,its quite different from other posts. Thanks for sharing about Tummy Tuck London.
